Newsletter Spring 1 Term 2025

Welcome to Spring 1
Welcome back everyone and welcome to our new parents and children! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We are looking forward to the warmer, drier weather and have some exciting Spring topics to look forward to, including the arrival of the ducklings!
Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Workshop, it was great fun. The money raised will go towards our current project of purchasing scooter storage and additional resources. It was lovely to see the church hall full of families for the Nativity and the children did us all proud with their performances. We hope you enjoyed it!
Forest School
We are very excited to let you know about an exciting project that will be starting this year! We have been successful in obtaining a grant from the council and will be working with the Scouts to set up a Forest School onsite. This will be led by myself (Sallie) a Level 3 qualified Forest School leader and Claire who is currently also undertaking the Level 3 course. More information will follow so watch this space!!!
Sporty Tots
If your child attends a Friday afternoon session, then we do offer a sports session run by Inclusive Sport at a charge of £5.50 if you are interested, please speak to Ruby in the office. The children are taught multi skills by a sports coach.
Early Starts
Remember that we do offer an Early Start (from 08.30 to 09.00) charged at £5.50 if that helps anyone. You can book a regular slot or use this service as you need it.
After School Club
After school club (from 3.30-4.00) includes fun activities such as yoga, craft, drama and much more! This is £6.00 a session, please contact the office to book in.
Parent Admin
Please can everyone check that you have filled in all the necessary permissions and child details (especially collection passwords and health details) on the Parent admin system. Thank you.
You will get reminders from the system as well.
Please ensure lunchboxes are named. Just a reminder that due to allergies no nuts (this includes hazelnut spread) or eggs are allowed in lunchboxes. To prevent choking please ensure small fruit such as grapes, berries, olives and cherry tomatoes are cut length ways and then again in half. Vegetables like carrots, cucumber and celery are cut into narrow batons. Cocktail sausages and hot dogs cut into short strips, cut in half and then lengthways or thinly as possible. Also, we obviously promote healthy eating at nursery so ideally only one chocolate bar/sweets please. Thank you.
Please ensure that all clothes are named as things do go wandering! Also, that toys are left at home as we don’t want them getting lost or broken.
If you would like to join our Parent, Teacher and Friend Association please speak to Claire or Ruby. We are always looking for parents and friends to help organise exciting events throughout the year. This term we are hoping to do a Valentines Disco and an Art Gallery.
Thank you so much to those who helped with the Christmas Workshop.
Fund Raising
We are currently raising funds for a couple of projects. We are hoping to get some scooter storage for the summer and to purchase new sensory resources and new crash mats for the children. We want to create a multi-sensory experience in the cabin for all children to experience.
We have attached to this newsletter the planning for the Spring Term, if your child does anything relating to the topic at home, they are more than welcome to bring it in to share with us or you could upload pictures onto Tapestry.
Remember to keep up to date with your child’s learning journey on the Tapestry App. You can see all the exciting and wonderful activities we do in nursery. The staff would appreciate if you could add a reaction or a comment to the posts so that they know that they have been viewed.
Thank you for your continued support
All Saints Nursery Team
Dates for your diary
Sporty Tots starts – Friday 11th January
Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 11th February
Valentine Disco – Friday 14th February 3.30-4.30pm
Half Term – Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February
World Book Week – Monday 3rd March
Duck Eggs being delivered – Tuesday 4th March
Art Exhibition – Friday 14th March 5.00-6.30pm
Easter Service – Thursday 27th March 2pm
End of term Friday 4th April
Spring Fest – Saturday 17th May (TBC)